Saturday, July 2, 2016

You fucking voted for who now?

I think I actually created some kind of delusional realm within my mind where I actually thought Australian's of all types were going to allow change to happen. I clearly REALLY believed it could be done and that enough Australian's out there were with me in wanting to see something different happen in the powers that govern our country. I was so wrong and I don't know why that shocked me so much this time. I don't know why I feel so fucking devastated. I am clearly SO PMS right now cause I actually cried when it hit me that nothing is going to change. That there is nothing I alone can do and that unless a whole fucking heap of other people wake up and become willing to stand up, that we really are going to end up another fucking Nazi history for future generations to look back on and cry shame, shame, how did they let this happen?! My reef is dying and I haven't even had a chance to go and see it yet. Soon my children will be either held down and forced to be injected with all manner of toxin in the name of vaccination OR be taken off me because I will be classed as an unfit parent for not vaccinating them voluntarily OR I'll end up in jail because I'll rip the damn throat out of anyone who tries to inject my children. Soon after that I will be held down and have toxins forced in to my body in the guise of being for the good of society too. All the while, if a negative reaction occurs the powers that be have no liable responsibility. My fellow human beings in dire need of a safer place to live, the need for a home, a warm bed, clean clothes, fresh water and food will continue to be forced into legal concentration camps simply because they are running away from war-torn countries and seeking assylum. Seeking what every human being has the right to... safety. The thought of this one alone is enough to make my eyes water again and my heart ache. Here I am bitching that I'm a morbidly obese person who can't fucking lose weight cause I can't parent myself properly and be strict and I can't keep my house clean and I feel like I have no support from anyone anywhere, while these people are locked up in sub-par conditions instead of being given space in our bountiful country. I hate voting day. I hate it. I hate that another set of puppets are placed in charge and my one dismal vote has done nothing to change that. I hate having to be more aware of all the issues with my country and around the world because it depresses me. It leaves me feeling alone, incapable, defeated, powerless, shamed, depressed.... Here is what I propose: Voting is NO LONGER MANDATORY! Voting becomes the privilege 'they' claim it is. Just because you are over 18 does NOT give you the right to vote. If you want to vote you need to know how voting works. You need to know about the different choices of parties or independents you are voting for. You need to get a license to drive, or a degree to teach, or to be a doctor, these are all life-changing things... well so is voting in my opinion. Voting is SO important and people take it for granted or worse see it as an imposition. Well you know what? If you can't be bothered, your stupid dummy vote with the drawing of a penis, or your #1 vote shouldn't be allowed to go to the people already in power. If you can't be bothered to find out what parties are for and against what, what they stand for, what their policies are, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote. And also, while we are at it, cause no one reads this anyway, in a controversial twist, if you aren't of at least average intelligence, you should not be allowed to vote. People with learning disabilities of a severe nature, people who are what used to be called retarded, should not be allowed to vote. There I said it. I am feeling completely defeated. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Not what I do, or how I live, my voice is mute. No one hears me. No one learns. No one opens their eyes. No one wakes up. I am unworthy. Truly I am. But so is everyone else.

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